Directory / Server Information

Server Details

  • We will be using the MISCapstone server to upload project/assignments and access in-class examples:
    • \\misCapstone\MIS310-Cummings\ - server for the course.
    • \\misCapstone\MIS310-Cummings\InClassExamples\ - in-class examples.
    • \\misCapstone\MIS310-Cummings\Section001\ - 9:30 Class folders.
    • \\misCapstone\MIS310-Cummings\Section002\ - 11:00 Class folders.

  • Your folder to save files and access them is a combination of your last name followed by your UNCW email address (LastName_xxx1234) on the miscapstone server:
    • As in: Smith_jms1234

  • Accessing folders off-campus

    To access folders remotely, you will need to be logged into the UNCW VPN (Virtual Private Network). You must be off campus to download the VPN from:

Saving/Viewing Websites

  • To save files on the network server you must be logged into the UNCW system or use VPN, then the path would be (change the section number to your section):


  • To view your website from a browser, you will need to know the path to your folder that you uploaded. For example, you have your project folder of Smith_jms1234 and you just uploaded an in class assignment folder called "InClass1" with your default page called "Default.html". To view this website in a browser, use the following path: