Dr. William Compton


Professor of Finance
Economics & Finance

Cameron Hall 220-B
University of North Carolina Wilmington
601 South College Road
Wilmington, NC   28403 - 5945
Phone: 910-962-3468
Fax: 910.962.7464
Email: comptonw [ comptonw AT uncw DOT edu ]
Web Page: http://csb.uncw.edu/people/comptonw/source.htm

TR 9:30 11:00 AM
By Appt 00000000
FIN 335 006TR 8:00 AM 9:15 CH212
FIN 330 003TR 11:00 AM 12:15 CH210
FIN 330 004TR 12:30 1:45 CH210

Dr. Compton teaches investments and financial management. In the spring he takes undergraduate students to Prague, Czech Republic to present the results of a real-life consulting project. His research is primarily in the area of stock market anomalies and he is considered an expert in calendar patterns. He has also published research on derivatives and asset allocation and his research has been published in journals such as Financial Services Review, American Business Review, Global Business & Finance Review, Journal of Economics & Finance, International Review of Financial Analysis, and the Journal of Transportation Management.

  • PhD, Finance, Florida State University, 1996
  • MBA, Finance, Florida State University, 1989
  • BS, Secondary Education, Buffalo State College, 1977

Recent Publications
NBA Players’ Pay and Performance: What Counts? , The Sport Journal , 2018; August ; (W. Compton)

Live vs Live Streaming: A Study of Student Satisfaction with Distance Education in a College Business Class , Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives , 2016; V.43 N.2 ; (W. Compton)

The Durbin Amendment and Debit Card Fee Regulation , Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives , 2014; V.41 N.1 ; (W. Compton, G. Kuhlemeyer and R. Kunkel)

Calendar Anomalies in Russian Stocks and Bonds , Managerial Finance , 2013; V.39 N.12 ; (W. Compton, G. Kuhlemeyer and R. Kunkel)

NBA Gambling Inefficiencies: A Second Look , The Sport Journal , 2012; V.15 ; (W. Compton, K. Sigler)

Adjusting Savings to Reach Retirement Goals , Journal of Global Business Development , 2011; V.3 N.1 ; (W. Compton, K. Sigler)

Ukrainian Financial Markets: An Examination of Calendar Anomalies , Managerial Finance , 2010; V.36 N.2 ; (W. Compton, R.Kunkel)

Areas of Interest
  • Behavioral finance; Neuroscience of investment behavior; Distance education; Study abroad; Surfing and Yoga

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