Directory / Server Information

Server: - place your ready for grading project folders in your specific directory (Do not place in the GRADED folder in your folder)

  • In order to submit your project for grading, please move your entire set of folders to the miscapstone server. You will find a personalize folder for you to save your folders and files. The name of your folder is a combination of the semester, the year, your last name, and first initial (F20LastNameFirstInitial) on the miscapstone server:
    • As in: F20SmithT

  • To save files on the network server you must be logged into the UNCW system or use VPN, then the path would be:
    • \\misCapstone\MIS216\F20SmithT
    • customize - to be your lastname and first initial

  • Once your project is graded, I will move it to the Graded Folder,
    • Please do not place your work that needs graded in the Graded Folder

  • If you desire to work from home, install Visual Studio and you will be able to continue to work on your project from home. Please make sure you copy all your folders to either a flash drive, Timmy or your miscapstone folder.