Dr. Clay Moffett


Associate Professor of Finance
Economics & Finance

Cameron Hall 220-M
University of North Carolina Wilmington
601 South College Road
Wilmington, NC   28403 - 5945
Phone: 910-962-3513
Fax: 910-962-7464
Email: moffettc [ moffettc AT uncw DOT edu ]
Web Page:

MW 9:30 10:30
By Appt 00000000
FIN 330 001TR 2:00 PM 3:15 CI1003
FIN 443 001TR 12:30 1:45 CI1003

I am an Associate Professor in the Cameron School, Department of Economics and Finance. I teach courses on Investments including Cryptocurrency, Corporate Finance and Derivatives and my main areas of research include the synthetic replication of shorted securities, market microstructure and portfolio theory. Outside of work life, I am is an avid photographer. I enjoy traveling, good cigars, better scotch and solving the greater mysteries of life.

  • PhD, Finance , University of Alabama, 2008
  • MBA, Finance, University of Alabama, 1990
  • BS, Biochemistry, Auburn University, 1986

Recent Publications
The Financial Crisis and the Wealth-impact of Liquidity Infusions for Publicaly Traded Banks , Academy of Economics and Finance Journal , 2015; V.5 N.1 pp. 25-30 ; (C. Moffett, Graham, J.E. and Schumacher, D.)

Capital Structure Response to Stock Return Fluctuations , International Research Journal of Applied Finance , 2014; V.5 N.5 pp. 584-602 ; (C. Moffett, Sergeeva, A.)

Market Efficiency and Bheaviorial Biases in SEC Football , Economics and Finance Journal , 2013; V.4 N.15 ; (C. Moffett, Farinella, J.)

Effects of Foreign Ownership on Payout Policy, Evidence from the Korean Market , Journal of Financial Markets , 2011; V.14 N.2 pp. 344-375 ; (C. Moffett, Jeon, J.Q. and Lee, C.)

Herding by Foreign Investors and Emerging Market Equity Returns. , International Review of Economics and Finance , 2010; V.19 N.4 pp. 698-710 ; (C. Moffett, Jeon, J.Q.)

The Significance and Certification of Shelf Registrations , Southern Business and Ecomomics Journal , 2010; V.33 N.4 ; (C. Moffett, Sackley, W.H.)

The Finance Professor; Teaching an Early Morning Class , Journal of Instructional Techniques , 2010; V.1 N.5 ; (C. Moffett, Graham, E. and Burrus, R.)

The Efficacy of Regulation SHO in Resolving Naked Shorts , Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance , 2010; V.12 N.1 pp. 72-98 ; (C. Moffett, Brooks, R. and Jeon, J.Q.)

The Naked Truth , Journal of Trading , 2008; Summer pp. 46-59 ; (C. Moffett, Brooks, R.)

Areas of Interest
  • Derivative and synthetic securities (naked shorting)
  • Market Microstructure
  • Risk Management
  • Fixed Income Securiites
  • Cryptocurrency

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