Mid Term - Study Guide

The test will be Thursday, March 5 during our normal class time.
It will be a combination short answers and multiple choice.

It will only cover the common commands, objects we have used in our first projects
and Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4
In addition the practice exercises we have done in class on variables, math and if's should be reviewed

Key Overall Concepts

  • What is a program?
  • What are the four steps we have used to develop good practices in coding
  • We are using what over style concepts to enable our pages to render easier on a smart device?

Objects, what are the common properties we have modified for these objects

  • Labels
  • Text boxes
  • Radio button lists (selectedValue, selectedItem, selectedIndex)
  • Buttons
  • Validation controls we have used


  • What are the 5 basic variables we have used to date?
  • How does one 'declare' a variable?
  • Why is it important to convert items in a Text Box to a numeric value (and how)
  • What do we need to convert numbers to strings when displaying the results in a label?


  • What is the order of execution when using (), + / , * - in a calculation?
  • What does the Mod Function do, and how do you implement

Chapter 3 - If Statements

  • Basic structure of an IF command
  • Else and else if
  • Where would you use an ==
  • And versus Or versus Not and C# symbols for each
  • Switch Statements

Chapter 4 - Loops

  • What is the purpose of a loop?
  • An infinite loop is one that
  • Nested Loop
  • Differences between WHILE and FOR loops
  • When does the application increase the value of the counter in a FOR loop (before 1st execution or after)
  • Examples of reading code and determining what would be displayed in the list box