Directory / Server Information


  • Your folder to save files and access them is a combination of the semester, the year, your last name, and first initial (23LastNameFirstInitial) on the miscapstone server:
    • As in: S23SmithT

  • To save files on the network server you must be logged into the UNCW system or use VPN, then the path would be:
    • \\misCapstone\MIS413\S23SmithT
    • customize - to be your lastname and first initial

  • To test and access from the web - Please test on the web as the security works differently locally versus over the server http connection, please note this is not an https site as we did not purchase the SSL license
  • If you desire to work from home, install SQL Mgt Tools Client, Visual Studio 2019 and the UNCW VPN Client and you will be able to access your database from home and develop from home.