Office Hours
Tom Janicki Office Hours -
Scheduled office hours have ended for the Fall Semester, please send an email if you desire to meet in person
Graduate Student Tutoring
Tutoring Hours have ended for the fall term.
Entropy Mini Quiz Expectations
- To help reinforce your learning, most chapters will have a mini quiz associated with them
- You will find the mini quiz link in Entropy
- Mini Quizzes are due by 11:59 pm on their due date.
- You may take each mini quiz 3 times until the due date, Entropy will record the highest score
Discussion/Feedback Expectations
- Periodically (check calendar) you will be requested to discuss a topic related to
Information Systems and Technology. This is the only graded item that will occur
in Canvas.
Check Canvas for the topic under
the DISCUSSION tab each month.
- Attendance will be taken via the
PollEverywhere App. You may miss
1 class per test period for any reason
(you do not need to send an email). A deduction
will be taken for each class missed after
the one 'free miss' per test period.